Quick calculator to estimate methane pilot savings for a 2-year period
SureFire burner management systems can eliminate a standing pilot on a process unit, as well as offering other extensive savings. Use this calculator to estimate your methane pilot savings for a 2-year period. In this simplified calculator, burner size and type are not included and only pilot savings are calculated. More information about methane savings at US EPA Natural Gas STAR.
Download spreadsheet to calculate methane losses/savings
Fill out the form below to access a spreadsheet to calculate methane losses/savings along with CO2 emissions from vented gas during upsets.
SureFire systems provide significant economic returns
Fuel Gas Savings / Burn Less and Sell More Gas
- Remove the pilot in single stage burners
- Eliminate the need for a standing pilot in two stage burners
Operate More Efficiently / Burn Less and Sell More Gas
- Operate more efficiently through electronically supervised systems
- Maximize run time
- Digitally control process temperature and burn fuel only when necessary
- Save worker's time, manage the process remotely
- Production stays on-line because process equipment stays on-line
Prevent Methane Venting / Sell More Gas
- When burners go down, manage the fuel train to prevent gas from venting
- Automatically Re-Light Burners to avoid uncontrolled venting
Light Burners Cheaper and Safer and Protect Your Most Valuable Resources
- Eliminate manual lighting and prevent employee injuries and burns
- Eliminate costs for using contractors to light burners
- Prevent call-outs and save lease operator time, burners light automatically
- Avoid costs for combustible gas indicator purchase, maintenance and calibration to comply with complex lighting procedures
Lower Carbon Tax Impacts
- Eliminate standing pilot operation and reduce CO2e (equivalent) emissions from combustion
- Burn less fuel gas through more efficient operation and reduce CO2e emissions from combustion
- Reduce methane venting from upsets, a green house gas with impacts 25x more than CO2